
McCaw Reach Fish Restoration Phase B
McCaw Phase B improved fish habitat in a section of the Touchet River east of Waitsburg, WA. It is the third of two other completed projects in this reach of the Touchet River. It provides Mid-Columbia steelhead rearing habitat, bull trout wintering habitat, and non-listed Chinook passage and holding habitat. This project improved overall river channel complexity by increasing bar development, pool establishment, and overall stream length.
Gailey Bridge Project
The Gailey bridge project replaced a river ford (moving farming equipment by driving across the river bed) with a bridge over the Touchet River. This greatly reduced sediment delivery to the river which was highly beneficial to endangered fish species. Funding was provided by the landowner and the WA State Conservation Commission.
Monson-Cox Screen and Meter Project
Installed a set of large screens and meters while dealing with challenging geographical and topographical issues. WWCCD’s first screen project on the Snake River. Funded by WA-DOW and WA-RCO.
Gardena Farms Irrigation District #13 North Lateral Piping
This irrigation efficiency piping replaced over 7 miles of inefficient open earth canals with a buried pipeline delivery system. In conjunction with the 2,800 ft. project, 5.95 CFS of water were put into trust. Funded by WA-DOE, BPA, WA State Conservation Commission, GFID #13 Board of Directors, BPA, Bureau of Reclamation.
Mill Creek Japanese Knotweed Removal
Targeted 5.65 miles of Mill Creek for herbicide applicationfor Japanese Knotweed. Control of Bohemian Knotweed was estimated at 75%. Funded by WA State Conservation Commission.
GFID #13 2,800 ft Piping Project
This irrigation efficiency piping project involved eliminating 2,800 feet of open irrigation delivery canal with a 66-inch diameter pipeline beginning at the inlet of the Pine Creek Inverted Siphon that serves both the North and South Laterals for GFID. Funded by WA-DOE, BPA, WA State Conservation Commission, GFID #13 Board of Directors, Bureau of Reclamation.
G and A Smith Farms Sediment Retention Demonstration
Demonstrated actions that can be taken to reduce sediment delivery to salmonid bearing streams. Through a partnership with Bonneville Power Administration and the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, the road was surfaced with crushed rock and the outfall of the realroad culvert was directed into an inlet structure and pipeline designed to carry the runoff water safely and cleanly to the creek. Funded by NFWF and WA State Conservation Commission.
Brewer Wetland Restoration Project
Restoration of approximately 17 acres of wetland and the construction of three open water ponds. Funded by WA State Dept. of Transportation.
Spring Creek Barrier Removal
Remediation of two fish passage barriers on Spring Creek, a spring-fed tributary to Dry Creek located on the Jay Nowogrowski Farm. The lower barrier is at the Nowogrowski farm bridge, approximately 0.5 miles up Spring Creek Road from its intersection with Buroker Road and Hwy. 12. Funded by BPA and CTUIR.
ZMI Joint Venture Solar Pump
Installed solar powered source for a well on a remote range unit. This allowed for better grazing distribution and better utilization of the rangeland resource. Funded by WA State Conservation Commission.
Hofer Complex: Dam Fish Passage, Westside Irrigation Pumping Station, Westside Piping Project, Eastside Piping Project
The Hofer East-West Complex Projects involved the construction of a new fish ladder at Hofer Dam to open up adult fish access to 186 miles of stream in the Touchet River Basin, Construction of a pumping station, installation of 37,000 feet of pressurized pipeline, and the installation of another 35,000 feet of pipeline.
Doan Creek Stream Restoration
This project restored Doan Creek to its historical confluence with Mill Creek, the point of irrigation diversion was changed to the mouth of the creek with water being piped to the irrigation ditch by the NGS Greate Grave. A new pump station was also developed with metering and fish screens. Funded by NPS, WA Salmon Recovery Board, WWCCD, WA State Conservation Commission, Whitman College, and the Tri-State Steelheaders.
Thompson River Screen
Installation of new active cleaning fish screen for protection of salmonids. Funded by WA-Salmon Recovery Funding Board.
Bossini Passive Fish Screen
Installation of new passive cleaning fish screen for protection of salmon. Funded by WA Salmon Recovery Funding Board.