
Voluntary Stewardship Program: Going Strong!

The District is moving forward helping area farmers and the county implement the VSP work plan. VSP is a voluntary alternative to regulation under the Critical Areas Ordinance. It demonstrates that the critical areas on ag. ground are being protected through voluntary conservation measures. These are things most farmers and ranchers are currently doing, like no-till and protecting riparian buffers. Progress is reported at 5-year intervals. And the stakes are high: if we can’t demonstrate that area farmers and ranchers are protecting critical areas, then ag. will be regulated under the strict requirements of the Critical Areas Ordinance. To learn more, contact the District office and check out the VSP web page here.

February 24, 2022

VSP Work group Meeting March 1, 2022

The VSP Work Group will meet on Tuesday, March 1st at 1:00 p.m.  The meeting will be conducted remotely to comply with Covid restrictions on in-person […]
February 20, 2022

March 14 2022 Board Meeting

In keeping with state guidance regarding holding public meetings during the Covid-19 restrictions, the March meeting of the WWCCD board of supervisors will have a call-in […]
January 6, 2022

2022 Annual Meeting and Elections

Plan to attend the 2022 WWCCD Annual meeting! This year we scheduled an in-person meeting on January 27th from 8:00 to 1:00.  To attend via ZOOM, […]
January 4, 2022

New Cost-Share Program: Commodity Buffers

The Walla Walla County Commodity Buffer Program is a new program that pays producers to plant and maintain buffers on private agricultural land to protect water […]
December 22, 2021

Apply for a Board Position! Jan. 2022 opening

The Walla Walla County Conservation District is announcing a vacancy of a mid-term elected position on the Board of Supervisors; the remaining term of this position […]
December 22, 2021

Elections! 2022 Board position

On Decmber 13th, the board adopted an election resolution establishing the following: A combination mail-in and poll-site election for a board seat on the Walla Walla […]
December 13, 2021

Dec. 13, 2021 Board Meeting

In keeping with state guidance regarding holding public meetings during the Covid-19 restrictions, the Dec. meeting of the WWCCD board of supervisors will have a call-in […]
December 7, 2021

VSP Work group Meeting Dec. 7 2021

The VSP Work Group will meet on Dec. 7th, 2021 at 1:00 p.m.  The meeting will be conducted remotely to comply with Covid restrictions on in-person […]
November 4, 2021

Nov. 8, 2021 Board Meeting

In keeping with state guidance regarding holding public meetings during the Covid-19 restrictions, the Nov. meeting of the WWCCD board of supervisors will have a call-in […]